We respect our ancestor.
Japanese culture “Obon”
Most Japanese don’t have any specific religion. But it is common for us to have our grave in the temple from generation to generation.
And it is also common for us to go the grave with relatives and pray for our ancestor in mid-August.
We call that culture Obon.
When I was child, I thought Obon was boring because we have to sit down quietly and pray for our ancestor more than 1 hour in the temple or in my grandparents’house.
But recently I changed my mind.
We are always busy and there is no time to think about our own origin.
So I think Obon is not only a good opportunity to communicate with our relatives but also a good opportunity to think about our own origin.
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趣味でコントを楽しむサラリーマンを挫折。難航する婚活とリストラの恐怖と、両親の介護への不安。そんな時に父親が癌に。 日本で楽しく生きるとは? 答えを探すためにコーチングを学んで40歳からキャリアチェンジ。その道程で出会いがあり入籍。夢は、日本や世界の状況がさらに深刻になった時に困っている人達に「楽しい生き方」を共有できる人間になること。

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